Foundational Skills-Required Training

Foundational Skill Training for Employees

The foundational skills trainings are required of all UC Berkeley employees, no matter what your role. Some are completed on a recurring basis and others are completed only once.  The content of these courses supports our workplace community values and ensures legal compliance. For those who participate in the Achieve Together performance program, anyone not current with their foundational skills training requirements will receive a "Needs Attention" rating for the Achievement Criteria of Job Mastery in their spring Achieve Together check-in.

All foundational skills-required training can be accessed through the UC Learning Centerby searching for the course title or code. We also have included direct links for each course listed here. You can learn more about how to use the UCLC on our UC Learning Center (LMS) page.

Check on your completion of any courses in the UC Learning Center by going to your Required Training, then checking that the “Assignment Status” is listed as “Acquired.” Here’s how to check on the Assignment Status and Start your courses that are due.

Managers can log into the manager dashboard in the UC Learning Center to view their employees’ completion status. If you’re having trouble navigating the dashboard, please refer to this step-by-step guide on how to access your employees’ completions online or via PDF.

An outstretched hand with a bubble and the "Information" I. Find troubleshooting assistance here.

Am I P4 or P5?

Learn more about job categories and levels at UC Berkeley on this Compensation page. You can find your level in the  UCPath Dashboard (as "Primary Title") or on your People Card (listed below your name).

What are "Specialty Requirement" courses? 

In this category, you'll find several training courses that are related to the specific responsibilities of some jobs. These include:

  • For all those working with minors - CANRA course 
  • For Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) - Clery Act training
  • For those engaged in research on campus - Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers
  • For designated officials, as determined by your position at the university - Conflict of Interest Briefing (form 700)
  • For UHS employees - SVSH Boundaries Awareness and SVSH Professional Boundaries

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